April 20, 2011

Hot News, 43 Endangered Fish Species in the Mediterranean

(Ilustrasi: Google image)

A recent survey by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) revealedapproximately 43 species of native fish are now endangered Mediterranean Sea.
Most of the species threatened with extinction, according to IUCN are sharks andmantas. According to IUCN, the species is threatened with disappearing due tooverfishing activities, residence dwindling and pollution.
Although several species of sharks and mantas do not have high commercial value,they also become victims of fishing, after a trawl nets of the fishermen catch themindiscriminately.
"The use of trawl nets is a major problem for the conservation and sustainability ofmarine species," said one employee IUCN Otero Maria del Mar, as quoted by the Straits Times, Tuesday (04/19/2011).
"Since the method was not selective, users trawl nets not only catch fish that were targeted but also other species in the form of many at once destroy the ocean floor,where many fish live, reproduce and eat," he added.
Meanwhile, commercial species such as bluefin tuna also declared threatened with extinction due to too much fishing. Bluefin tuna reproductive potential expressedreduced by half over the last 40 years.


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