May 16, 2011

Zionist-Jewish began planting ghorqod trees on Palestinian land

Washington Post April 1984 edition contains an article on U.S. President Ronald Reagan's meeting with a senior lobbyist from the American Jewish Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) named Tom Dine. The meeting took place in private. 

To Tom Dine, a former Governor of the State of California this seriously said, "You 
know, I turned to the ancient prophets of the Old Testament and the 
signs that predict Armageddon War. I own so 
wondered whether we are going to see them fulfilled. 
I do not know. Are you also have noticed lately 
the prophecies of the prophets it ... but, believe me, that 
prophecies that describe the times we are currently 
live. "Tom Dine smiled and nodded slowly. 

President Reagan was the first president of the United States 
started a new tradition in the White House protocol, where 
worship service, religious seminars, and meetings with a number of 
American evangelical church leaders are often held. In the time Reagan was 
Zionist-Christian understanding into the elite circle of American government. 
All policies, particularly American policy abroad, particularly 
for the Middle East region, is very strong Zionist nuanced. 

Reagan's successor, George H. W. Bush, William J. Clinton, and George W. 
Bush, the people who are very confident about the prophecies 
(The promises or predictions) of God as stated in 
Darby or Scofield in the Gospel, the Gospel of the American official. According to the belief 
them, the millennium is a latter-day century in which one day will 
Last Great War occurred (Armageddon), which involves all 
world, between God's Army against the forces of Satan. Christ will 
defeat the Anti-Christ. And after that the world will become peaceful and prosperous until the arrival of the last day. 

Therefore, based on the belief in the hereafter as 
prophesied in the Bible Darby, the president of the United States to work with 
desperately to clear the way for a day in which will 
Christ's second coming. Because according to their beliefs 
Christ will come down on Palestinian land, they sought to 
fully mastered the Palestinian homeland and gave it to 

The Zionists, whether they are located in the Land of Palestine and 
spread in America and Europe, strongly believes that the millennium era 
This is the third gate on the last day. Whether intentionally or 
not, the case of WTC 911, where the WTC Twin Towers as seen from a distance 
like a gate, demolished, then though it opened an era 
new to this belief. 

All their efforts are doing to deal with the coming of Messiah 
which they believe will lead them from the Temple of Solomon to 
conquer the world. 

But there is one anomaly which is diametrically opposed to 
their beliefs are. On the one hand they claim to be very confident 
could defeat the entire human race, wabilkhusus Muslims, and 
become a world leader, but on the other hand they are also vying 
Land planted Palestine they had occupied illegally, with 
ghorqod tree (Latin name: Nitraria retusa). 

There is a saheeh hadeeth about the final days of this tree: "No 
apocalypse will happen until the Muslims fight the Jews, then 
kill them, so that a Jew hiding behind a rock and 
trees, and rocks and trees say: O Muslim! O servants of Allah! This 
Jew behind me, come here, kill him! Except ghorqod tree, 
then it is from the trees of the Jews. "(Muslim VII/188, Bukhari IV/51, Lu'lu 'wa al-Marjan III/308) 

Seeing the Zionist-Jewish act of vying planting Land 
Palestinians with Ghorqod tree, then this fact explains the 
us that the Jews had actually understands the nature of the final day, in 
where they would be persecuted by Muslims and only trees 
Ghorqod was the only place that would be used to place 
hiding Jews.

International Project Ghorqod

It is not known exactly when the Zionists planted Land-Israel
Palestinians with Ghorqod tree. However, through the website of the Jewish NationalFund (www.jnf. org), at the JNF Store (Tress for Israel Certificate), mentioned that in the Land of Palestine have been planted as many as 220 million trees Ghorqod.

Uniquely, with a serious and professional, the Zionists also
advertise on the site that anyone can buy
Ghorqod tree online and then donate it to Israel
to be planted in the Land of Palestine. Price is a tree
U.S. $ 18, and those who buy three bars worth U.S. $ 36
will receive a free rod.

Not only that, packaging buyers can also choose to
plastic wear (incur a U.S. $ 10 per tree) or with
wooden box (U.S. $ 50 per tree). And for the time of shipment, the buyer
can choose between a super-fast (U.S. $ 30 per tree, secured to
in the Land of Palestine in just 2 days), fast (U.S. $ 15 per tree
with a time of 3 days), and regular (not specified). For information
Further, they also provide a number of relationships
international (888) JNF-0099 and 1-800-542-TREE. Only a dollar
U.S. is accepted as legal tender.

The question then, is there any Indonesian people who have already ordered this treeto be planted in the Land of Palestine? (Rz)


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