This is Al-Quran Al-Furqan False Named Al-Haq
proclaim to all your friends about fake Qur'an named Al-Furqan Al-Haq who first printed and published the Muslim country of Kuwait and Iraq. are distributed and printed by the American and his brother Israel.
Fake Qur'an (Al-Furqan Al-Haq), published in Arabic and translated into English has 77 letters were made in 366 pages, among the names are: Al-Fatihah, An-Nur, As-Salam, Al-Mahabbah, Al-Masih, Ats-Tsalluts, Al-Mariqin, Az-Zina, Al-Makirin, Ar-unsteady, Al-Gospel, Al-Asatir, Al-Kafirin, At-Tanzil, At-Tahrif, Al-Jannah, Al-Adha, Al-Abas, Ash-Shaheed.
الفاتحة, النور, السلام, المحبة, المسيح, الثالوث, المارقين, الصلب, الزنا, الماكرين, الرعاة, الإنجيل, الأساطير, الكافرين, التنزيل, التحريف, الجنة, الأضحى, العبس, الشهيد
By using a confusing basmalah that combines three religions, Islam, Christianity and Judaism. This basmalahnya:
بسم الأب الكلمة الروح الإله الواحد الأوحد مثلث التوحيد موحد التثليث ما تعدد
It means: "with the name of the god father of soul that one sentence in one of three in three different"
And this is the example of the verses in the Qur'an is false:
* In the letter Al-Muftarah:
يا أيها الناس لقد كنتم أمواتا فأحييناكم بكلمة الإنجيل الحق, ثم نحييكم بنور الفرقان الحق
It means: "O thou man has died and we turn it on again with the gospel phrase al-haq and then we turn it on (again) with the light of al-Furqan al-haq."
* In the letter Al-Masih:
وزعمتم بأن الإنجيل محرف بعضه فنبذتم جله وراء ظهوركم
It means: "and you think that al-gospel that has been altered (spoofing) and then you deny it in part behind your backs."
وقلتم: آمنا بالله وبما أوتي عيسى من ربه, ثم تلوتم منكرين, ومن يبتغ غير ملتنا دينا فلن يقبل منه, وهذا قول المنافقين
It means: "and you say: we have been faithful with God and nothing which Moses from his Lord, then you deny it, and whoever makes the addition of our religion as their religion will not be accepted from him and this is the word of those hypocrites."
disseminate pls ..!
And it all turned out false revelations made in America and the enemies of Islam is another.